Search Site Basics
To enter a query, just type in a few descriptive words and hit the 'enter' key (or click on the Submit button) for a list of relevant web pages. Since this search only returns web pages that contain all the words in your query, refining or narrowing your search is as simple as adding more words to the search terms you have already entered. Your new query will return a smaller subset of the pages found for your original "expansive" query.

Searching for multiple words versus a phrase
To search for a phrase just enter the entire phrase in the text box; ex: "red car" will look for the words red and car next to each other throughout the site. To search for multiple words within the site but not necessarily consecutive words, use the comma as a delimiter; ex: "red, car" will look for the words red and car, but they do not have to be next to each other.

Choosing Keywords
For best results, it's important to choose your keywords wisely. Keep these tips in mind:

Try the obvious first. If you're looking for information on the state Texas, enter "Texas" rather than "large States".

Use words likely to appear on a site with the information you want. "Luxury car dealerships in Austin" gets better results than "place that sells really nice cars in Austin".

Make keywords as specific as possible. "Antique brass silverware" gets more relevant results than "old metal utensils". Automatic "and" Queries

By default, this search only returns pages that include all of your search terms. There is no need to include "and" between terms. Keep in mind that the order in which the terms are typed will affect the search results. To restrict a search further, just include more terms.